Page | ${core:capturePageInBook(String, String, String)} | Captures a <core:page> in a provided book. |
Page | ${core:capturePage(String, String)} | Captures a <core:page>. |
Page | ${core:captureContentRoot(String)} |
Captures the content root <core:page> with the given capture level. |
String | ${core:getCaptureLevel()} | Gets the current capture level. |
PageIndex | ${core:getPageIndex(PageRef)} |
Get the page index for the given page reference. |
List<Page> | ${core:convertPageDagToList(Page, String)} | Flattens a page directed acyclic graph (DAG) into a list in depth-first traversal order. Each page is only added once when first visited. |
File | ${core:getFileInBook(String, String, boolean)} |
Gets the local file for a book and book-relative path. |
File | ${core:getFile(String, boolean)} |
Gets the local file for a page-relative path. |
File | ${core:getExeFileInBook(String, String)} |
Gets the local file for a book and book-relative path while making sure it is set executable. |
File | ${core:getExeFile(String)} |
Gets the local file for a page-relative path while making sure it is set executable. |
String | ${core:encodeUrlParam(String)} |
Encodes a value for use in a URI path component, query string, or fragment.
Encodes characters in the recommended
Deprecated: Please use |
String | ${core:getRefId(String)} | Gets an id for use in the current page. |
String | ${core:getRefIdInPage(Page, String)} | Gets an id for use in referencing the given page. |
Double | ${core:ceil(Double)} |
Calls java.lang.Math.ceil(double),
but returns |
Double | ${core:floor(Double)} |
Calls java.lang.Math.floor(double),
but returns |
Map<String, String> | ${core:parseQueryString(String)} |
Parses the provided request query string into a
String | ${core:repeat(String, int)} |
Repeats a string the given number of times. |
Book | ${core:getBook(String)} |
Gets the book for the provided page path. |
String | ${core:encodeHexData(String)} |
Encodes arbitrary data into a UTF-8 encoded, then hex-encoded string. |
boolean | ${core:isExporting()} |
Checks if the current request is part of a static export. |
Copyright | ${core:findCopyright(Page)} |
Finds the copyright for the given page or |
Set<Author> | ${core:findAuthors(Page)} | Finds the author(s) for the given page. |
boolean | ${core:findAllowRobots(Page)} | Finds the allowRobots setting for the given page. |
boolean | ${core:hasChild(Page)} |
Checks if the given page has at least one accessible child page. Ignores child pages in missing books. |
boolean | ${core:hasElement(Page, String, boolean)} |
Checks if the given page, or optionally any of its child pages, has at least one of the element type given. |
List<?> | ${core:findTopLevelElements(Node, String)} | Looks for the nearest nested elements of the given class. |
List<? extends Element> | ${core:filterElements(Page, String)} |
Gets all elements in the page (including all child elements) that are of the given type, in the order they were declared in the page. |
boolean | ${core:isViewApplicable(View, Page)} |
Checks if a view is applicable the given request and page. |
String | ${core:getViewLinkCssClass(View)} |
Gets the CSS class to use for the main navigation link to this view. |
Map<String, List<String>> | ${core:getViewLinkParams(View, Page)} |
Gets the optional additional parameter to a view link. |
String | ${core:getViewCopyright(View, Page)} |
Gets the copyright for the given view and page. |
Set<Author> | ${core:getViewAuthors(View, Page)} |
Gets the authors for the given view and page. |
String | ${core:getViewTitle(View, Page)} |
Gets the title for the given view and page. |
Collection<Link> | ${core:getViewLinks(View, Page)} |
Gets an optional set of additional links to include for this view in the order they should be added. |
boolean | ${core:getViewAllowRobots(View, Page)} |
Gets the allowRobots for the given view and page. |
String | ${core:getLinkCssClass(Element)} |
Gets the CSS class that is to be used to link to the given element or |
Map<String, String> | ${core:mergeGlobalAndViewScripts(View)} |
Merges global and per-view scripts for the provided view. |
String | ${core:getShortTitle(PageRef, Page)} |
Determines the short title for a page and one of its parents. |