
The body of this tag represents one page of content.

There must be at most one <core:page> tag per JSP file because the path to the page is determined by the servlet requestPath (or most recent <ao:include>).

When this page is directly accessed, the page is rendered with the page content coming from the body of this tag. The page is captured in BODY mode, the view is resolved, and the page and view are forwarded to the theme to generate the output.

Tag Information

Tag Class: com.semanticcms.core.taglib.PageTag
TagExtraInfo Class: com.semanticcms.core.taglib.PageTagTEI
Body Content: scriptless
Display Name: None
Dynamic Attributes: true


Name Required Evaluation Type Description
book No Runtime String

The book containing the page. Defaults to the book of the current JSP file.

path No Runtime String

The page-relative path to the page. Required when book provided. Defaults to the current JSP file.

dateCreated No Runtime Object

The dateCreated in ISO 8601 format.

At least YYYY-MM-DD is required, and when time not specified will default to midnight in the current system time zone. A long value of -1 or 0 is converted to null. Any value accepted by Joda Time DateTime is accepted.

When dateCreated and datePublished are the same date, prefer datePublished because it seems to have more use overall than created.

datePublished No Runtime Object

The datePublished in ISO 8601 format.

At least YYYY-MM-DD is required, and when time not specified will default to midnight in the current system time zone. A long value of -1 or 0 is converted to null. Any value accepted by Joda Time DateTime is accepted.

When dateCreated and datePublished are the same date, prefer datePublished because it seems to have more use overall than created.

dateModified No Runtime Object

The dateModified in ISO 8601 format.

At least YYYY-MM-DD is required, and when time not specified will default to midnight in the current system time zone. A long value of -1 or 0 is converted to null. Any value accepted by Joda Time DateTime is accepted.

dateReviewed No Runtime Object

The dateReviewed in ISO 8601 format.

At least YYYY-MM-DD is required, and when time not specified will default to midnight in the current system time zone. A long value of -1 or 0 is converted to null. Any value accepted by Joda Time DateTime is accepted.

This has no equivalent in https://schema.org/, however we feel it is important to actively review content to ensure its accuracy, even when it has not been modified.

serialization No Runtime String

When SGML, forces the content-type to be text/html. When XML, forces the content-type to be application/xhtml+xml. When auto (the default), the following steps are performed to resolve the serialization:

  1. Use the serialization active on the current request.
  2. Use the application context-param com.aoapps.encoding.Serialization.default that allows an application to control the selection of HTML versus XHTML.
  3. When this context-param is unspecified or auto, determine the serialization based on the client's Accept header.

This should normally be left with the default value of auto. This is used when the content is known to contain invalid markup that can not be parsed as XML.

doctype No Runtime String

The <!DOCTYPE> to use, must be one of default, HTML5, STRICT, TRANSITIONAL, FRAMESET, or NONE. Defaults to HTML5. NONE will suppress the output of a doctype.

When default, the following steps are performed to resolve the doctype:

  1. Use the doctype active on the current request.
  2. Use the application context-param com.aoapps.encoding.Doctype.default that allows an application to control the default doctype.
  3. When this context-param is unspecified or default, defaults to HTML5.
autonli No Runtime String

When true, enables automatic newline (and tab indentation when enabled). When false, disables automatic newline and tab indentation. When auto (the default), the following steps are performed to resolve the autonli setting:

  1. Use the autonli setting active on the current request.
  2. Use the application context-param com.aoapps.html.servlet.DocumentEE.autonli that allows an application to control the default autonli setting.
  3. When this context-param is unspecified or auto, defaults to false.
indent No Runtime String

When true, enables tab indentation. When false, disables tab indentation. When auto (the default), the following steps are performed to resolve the indent setting:

  1. Use the indent setting active on the current request.
  2. Use the application context-param com.aoapps.html.servlet.DocumentEE.indent that allows an application to control the default indent setting.
  3. When this context-param is unspecified or auto, defaults to false.
title Yes Runtime String

The title of the page.

shortTitle No Runtime String

The optional short title of the page.

A short title is used when the context of a page is well established, such as when showing a path to the current location in the site.

The short title defaults to the page title.

description No Runtime String

The optional description of the page.

keywords No Runtime String

The optional comma-separated keywords of the page.

allowRobots No Runtime String

Controls whether robots will be allowed to access this page.

When not allowed, a page will have <meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow" /> added and be excluded from sitemaps. Links to the page will also have rel="nofollow" added.

Possible values are:

  • auto - Inherit setting from parent(s) within the book or book settings if have no parents within the book
  • true - Robots allowed
  • false - Robots not allowed

Defaults to auto.

toc No Runtime String

Includes a table of contents at the top of the page.

Possible values are:

  • auto - Automatically selected
  • true - Always show
  • false - Always hide

Defaults to auto.

tocLevels No Runtime int

The number of levels to display in the table of contents. Must be between 1 and 5. Defaults to 3.

allowParentMismatch No Runtime boolean

When true, it is acceptable for the parents to not list this page as a child. In other words, this page may claim a parent that does not also claim this as a child.

Parent-child relationships are never verified to parents from missing books.

Defaults to false meaning strict parent-child relationship verification.

Use of this can result in this page being orphaned, where this page and its child pages are not included in site traversals, such as for tree views or searches.

allowChildMismatch No Runtime boolean

When true, it is acceptable for the children to not list this page as a parent. In other words, this page may claim a child that does not also claim this as a parent.

Child-parent relationships are never verified to children from missing books.

Defaults to false meaning strict child-parent relationship verification.

Use of this can result in incomplete determination of the children page's location(s) within the overall site.


No Variables Defined.