
Writes a tree of pages, and optionally elements, as <ul> and <li> tags.

Tag Information

Tag Class: com.semanticcms.core.taglib.NavigationTreeTag
TagExtraInfo Class: None
Body Content: empty
Display Name: None


Name Required Evaluation Type Description
root Yes Deferred-Value Page

The root page of the tree.

skipRoot No Runtime boolean

May optionally skip the root page, displaying its children only. Defaults to false.

yuiConfig No Runtime boolean

May optionally add yuiConfig data. Defaults to false.

includeElements No Runtime boolean

May optionally include tree nodes for elements within pages. Defaults to false.

target No Runtime String

An optional target frame for links.

thisBook No Deferred-Value String

The book for thisPage. Defaults to the book of the current JSP file.

thisPage No Deferred-Value String

May optionally mark a specific page (by context-relative path). All page matches are marked with class semanticcms-core-tree-this-page. Only the first match is marked with id semanticcms-core-tree-this-page.

linksToBook No Deferred-Value String

The book for linksToPage. Defaults to the book of the current JSP file.

linksToPage No Deferred-Value String

May optionally filter for pages that link to the given page (by context-relative path). The parent pages of any page that has a link will also be included. The pages that actually have a link will be marked with class semanticcms-core-links-to-page.

maxDepth No Runtime int

May optionally limit the depth of the navigation tree. A skipped root does not count toward the depth. 0, the default, means unlimited depth.


No Variables Defined.