SemanticCMS Section Taglib Changelog


Release Notes

  • ElementTag.evaluateAttributes(…) no longer throws IOException.


Release Notes

  • Updated dependencies.


Release Notes

  • Updated to Java™ EE 7 Web Profile (Servlet 3.1, JSP 2.3, EL 3.0, and JSTL 1.2).
  • Minimum Java version changed from 1.8 to 11.
  • Now supports Java 9+ modules. Due to still having filename-based automatic module dependencies, *-SNAPSHOT versions include module-info.class while releases include the Automatic-Module-Name manifest entry. To minimize the difference between these modes, does not perform any transitive requires.


Release Notes

  • Updated dependencies.


Release Notes

  • Other types of elements may now trigger table of contents output.


Release Notes

  • Minimum Java version changed from 1.7 to 1.8.
  • Reduced use of property substitutions in pom.xml. This is to help 3rd-party parsers that fail to perform full Maven-compatible substitutions.
  • Using AO Fluent HTML for HTML generation.


Release Notes

  • Updated dependencies.


Release Notes

  • Minimum Java version changed from 1.6 to 1.7.
  • Implemented additional HTML 5.2 Sectioning content, with each still acting as a section for things like page outlines and table of contents, but which use more appropriate HTML 5 semantic elements:

    1. <section:section> (this was previously the only supported type of section)
    2. <section:nav>
    3. <section:aside>

    Please note that <article> is not included. The article is already created by the active view, and nested articles are not supported.

  • Using managed dependencies:
    1. This project uses managed dependencies.
    2. This project's managed dependencies may also be imported by other projects.


Release Notes

  • New release for bug fixes in underlying AO Encoding library.
  • Nodes, including both pages and elements, now have properties.
  • Updated dependencies.


Release Notes

  • New AO OSS Parent POM to simplify pom.xml files.
  • Project documentation moved to per-project book in SemanticCMS format.
  • Added changelog as top-level project link.
  • Taglib tlib-version is now set automatically during build. Unfortunately, we cannot include "-SNAPSHOT" on snapshot builds due to the requirement of "Dewey decimal" for taglib versions. The unambiguous full version is annotated via comment.


Release Notes

  • Added missing direct dependencies.
  • Improved Javadoc formatting.
  • Improved README formatting.


Release Notes

  • Improved Javadoc formatting.
  • Set rtexprvalue to false where seems reasonable to do so.
  • Newer taglib version for deferred expressions.
  • Deferred expressions for more attributes.
  • Added missing direct dependencies.


Release Notes

  • Use dependencyManagement instead of dependency for junit.


Release Notes

  • Improved Maven configuration for Java EE 6 dependencies.


Release Notes

  • Created parent pom for all SemanticCMS components.


Release Notes

  • Project moved to GitHub and Maven.
  • Now passing arguments through includes.