
Adds a changelog entry to the current page.

Tag Information

Tag Class: com.semanticcms.changelog.taglib.ReleaseTag
TagExtraInfo Class: None
Body Content: scriptless
Display Name: None


Name Required Evaluation Type Description
projectName Yes Deferred-Value String

The name of the project that has been released.

version Yes Deferred-Value String

The version of the release in Semantic Versioning format.

datePublished No Deferred-Value Object

The date of the release in ISO 8601 format.

At least YYYY-MM-DD is required, and when time not specified will default to midnight in the current system time zone. A long value of -1 or 0 is converted to null. Any value accepted by Joda Time DateTime is accepted.

Required unless is a *-SNAPSHOT version.

groupId No Deferred-Value String

The optional groupId as used in the Maven repository. artifactId attribute required when this is provided.

artifactId No Deferred-Value String

The optional artifactId as used in the Maven repository. groupId attribute required when this is provided.

repository No Deferred-Value String

The optional Maven repository. When not provided, an appropriate link will be created to https://central.sonatype.com/. Both artifactId and groupId attributes required when this is provided.

tag No Deferred-Value String

The tag used in source control, defaults to ${artifactId}-${version}. Required when artifactId attribute is not provided.

scmUrl No Deferred-Value String

The base source control management URL. The path to the release is automatically added to this base.

newsAllowRobots No Deferred-Value String

Controls whether robots will be allowed to access the generated news entry.

Possible values are:

  • auto - Inherit setting from current page
  • true - Robots allowed
  • false - Robots not allowed

Defaults to auto.


No Variables Defined.