
C D E G S 
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com.semanticcms.dia.model - module com.semanticcms.dia.model
com.semanticcms.dia.model - package com.semanticcms.dia.model


Dia - Class in com.semanticcms.dia.model
A Dia-based diagrams in web pages.
Dia() - Constructor for class com.semanticcms.dia.model.Dia
DOT_EXTENSION - Static variable in class com.semanticcms.dia.model.Dia


EXTENSION - Static variable in class com.semanticcms.dia.model.Dia


getBook() - Method in class com.semanticcms.dia.model.Dia
getDefaultIdPrefix() - Method in class com.semanticcms.dia.model.Dia
getHeight() - Method in class com.semanticcms.dia.model.Dia
getLabel() - Method in class com.semanticcms.dia.model.Dia
If not set, defaults to the last path segment of path, with any ".dia" extension stripped.
getPath() - Method in class com.semanticcms.dia.model.Dia
getWidth() - Method in class com.semanticcms.dia.model.Dia


setBook(String) - Method in class com.semanticcms.dia.model.Dia
Sets the book while making sure not frozen.
setHeight(int) - Method in class com.semanticcms.dia.model.Dia
Sets the height while making sure not frozen.
setLabel(String) - Method in class com.semanticcms.dia.model.Dia
Sets the label while making sure not frozen.
setPath(String) - Method in class com.semanticcms.dia.model.Dia
Sets the path while making sure not frozen.
setWidth(int) - Method in class com.semanticcms.dia.model.Dia
Sets the width while making sure not frozen.
C D E G S 
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values